How To Display An Element When A Button Is Clicked In HTML?

It is often required to hide or show a particular element on a web page and display it as soon as the user clicks a button. This blog will discuss how we can achieve this. To enable the display of any element, usually <div> , we use the combination of HTML, CSS and JS altogether.

Creating an HTML Part

Let’s first create an HTML page.

This code presents a very basic html snippet. In this, we have created a button called “Show Heading” and a <div> which we need to hide and show when a button is clicked. 

Also, we have added an onclick attribute which calls the JS function called show().

Creating a CSS Part

It is up to you if you want to use internal CSS or make a separate CSS file and link it with the HTML file.

Since the show is the ID given to the <div> we want to hide it initially, therefore we are initializing its display property to none. Now this <div> will not be displayed when we render this page.

You can add other styling properties as well along with this code. 

Creating the JS part

Lastly, we will be implementing the JS part where we will have to define the function that will be called when the button is clicked.

It is up to you, again, to add this show() function in a separate file along with other JS functions or implement it within the same HTML file with the help of a <script> tag.

This function will be called when the button is clicked. It is first getting the <div> element by referring to its id. Then we are updating its display property to block so that it’s visible on the webpage.


Hence by incorporating these steps, we can dynamically show/hide an element in HTML with the help of CSS and JS. It is a very simple approach to achieve this. Hope you got an idea and this feature will help you in contributing a good interactive UI.




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