Author: Sonu Malik

  • Hapijs – Plugins

    hapi has dozens of plugin system. like , Authentication, Documentation, Localization/Internationalization, Logging/Metrics, Messaging, Security, Session, Templating, Utility, Validation…. – you can write your own plugin. – plugins are objects with a register function, and has a signature function (server, options, next). – register function has an attributes object. – this object provides some additional information […]

  • Node.js tutorial – How to use Request Module

    In any application framework, one basic need is to be able to make REST calls over HTTP/HTTPS as they are widely used and a very handful in case of API interactions, web scraping, etc. We can use the NodeJS core modules or http https to perform these calls but that is a bit cumbersome process and […]

  • Pushing and popping view controllers.

    UINavigationContoller manages views by pushing and popping them on/off the controller’ view stack. When you push an item, the current view slides off screen to the left, and the new view slides over from the right. Today , I am going to explain how to push and pop ViewController off a UINavigatinalController Stack. And also how […]

  • Customize UITableViewCell for UITableView.

    One of the important components of UIKit framework is UITableView. A table view displays a list of items in a single column. The main purpose of writing this blog post is to develop custom cells in UITableView. Step 1: Create Xcode Project Now, create a new Xcode Project. This project will contain a single view controller, which is our […]

  • Creating First App in Meteor

    I have explained how to install Meteor on your System in my previous blog. This blog will explain how to create first App in Meteor following these simple steps. Step 1. We use Meteor’s command line tool meteor: [cc lang=”javascript”]meteor create microscope[/cc] This command will download Meteor, and set up a basic, ready to use […]

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