Category: blockchain

  • Advantages of Permissioned Blockchains for Efficiency, Security, and Collaboration

    Advantages of Permissioned Blockchains for Efficiency, Security, and Collaboration

    In the last decade, blockchain has emerged as a robust technology in the digital landscape. Blockchains are continuously transforming various industries by redefining data management, data security, and decentralized collaboration. Blockchain gained popularity with the emergence of cryptocurrencies. Let’s take a look back to the year 2017 when Japan recognized Bitcoin as a legal currency […]

  • Exploring the Application of Blockchain in Supply Chain Management

    Blockchain can be defined as a digital decentralised, and transparent ledger that records transactions across multiple computers or nodes in a network. It runs on a consensus process, where users confirm and concur on the ledger’s current state collectively. Every transaction is compiled into a block and chronologically connected, creating an unalterable record of all previous […]

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