Category: Bootstrap

  • Responsive Web Design with Bootstrap: Crafting Exceptional, Accessible Websites

    Responsive Web Design with Bootstrap: Crafting Exceptional, Accessible Websites

    In today’s ever-evolving digital landscape, people seamlessly connect to the web via an extensive array of devices, ranging from sleek smartphones and handy tablets to trusty desktop computers. For web developers and designers, the goal isn’t merely to make websites visible across this diverse spectrum but to ensure they perform flawlessly. It’s not just a […]

  • Why Meteor’s account-ui-bootstrap-3 {{loginButtons}} not displaying

    Sometimes this happens when you include both accounts-ui and accounts-ui-bootstrap-3 packages in your App. The standard package accounts-ui classes tends to overrides the CSS classes of bootstrap-3 styled “accounts-ui”. Just remove the standard package from your App by typing the following command in terminal: [cc lang=”javascript”] meteor remove accounts-ui [/cc] And you will see you {{loginButtons}} get appear […]

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