Category: creating server NodeJS

  • How to Build Real-time Applications with Node.js?

    Rеal-timе applications havе transformеd usеr еxpеriеncеs, offеring instantanеous updatеs and intеractions. Lеvеraging thе powеr of Nodе.js dеvеlopmеnt, dеvеlopеrs can build robust and scalablе rеal-timе applications that providе sеamlеss еxpеriеncеs to usеrs. In this blog, we’ll dеlvе into thе world of Nodе.js rеal-timе fеaturеs, specifically еxploring WеbSockеts with Nodе.js and sеrvеr-sidе еvеnts to crеatе livе and […]

  • Google Custom Search with NodeJS

    Goo Google provides a custom search API by which you can use the power of google search engine in your own application. The base URL for the REST version of custom search API is: Before moving on to integration part, we need two things. API KEY Search Engine ID The API KEY can be […]

  • Bing Search API with NodeJS

    Bing provides a search API by which you can use the power of bing search in your own application. The base URL for the search API is: The code to integrate the API using Express and Node JS is: The API Subscription Key can be created at the website: If you want more […]

  • How to install hapi and how to create server in hapi.

    Installing hapi. In this section we will learn how to install hapi. Creating new server. In this section we will learn how to create a server in hapi. In this blog we will learn how to install hapi and how to create server in hapi. Installing hapi. In this section we will learn how to […]

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