Category: Swift

  • Some awesome Swift Libraries

    Awesome Swift A curated list of awesome Swift frameworks, libraries and software. Inspired by awesome-swift UI Eureka – Elegant iOS Forms in pure Swift. XLActionController – Fully customizable and extensible action sheet controller written in Swift. FlourishUI – Framework for models, colour extensions and buttons. SwiftColors – HEX colour handling as an extension for UIColor. FontAwesome.swift – Use FontAwesome in your […]

  • Pushing and popping view controllers.

    UINavigationContoller manages views by pushing and popping them on/off the controller’ view stack. When you push an item, the current view slides off screen to the left, and the new view slides over from the right. Today , I am going to explain how to push and pop ViewController off a UINavigatinalController Stack. And also how […]

  • Customize UITableViewCell for UITableView.

    One of the important components of UIKit framework is UITableView. A table view displays a list of items in a single column. The main purpose of writing this blog post is to develop custom cells in UITableView. Step 1: Create Xcode Project Now, create a new Xcode Project. This project will contain a single view controller, which is our […]

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