Challenges Of Working Remotely

Working remotely has its own perks such as flexibility, less absenteeism, increased productivity, zero commute expenses, and many others, however, there are certain things that may feel offbeat when you work remotely. If you work remotely or are thinking about opting for remote jobs, then you should know about the cons of the remote working lifestyle. In this article, we have mentioned some of the challenges faced while working remotely. Check this article out to know more.

8 Challenges Faced By Remote Workers 

  • Isolation and lack of social interaction: Working from home means you are working in isolation which means no touch with the outer world, and working for hours without having company sounds a little bit unusual for some people. Without face-to-face interaction in an office setting, remote workers can feel disconnected and isolated from their colleagues. 
  • Difficulty separating work and personal life: Without clear boundaries between work and home life, remote workers may find it difficult to disconnect from work and relax. Sometimes sending one last email or attending one last online meeting ends up in 2 or more hours of overtime. There are many professionals who end up working for extra hours because they cannot say no to their seniors and hence their personal space becomes their professional space as well.
  • Difficulty in communication and collaboration: While there are many tools that allow effective communication for remote working, many professionals think that these tools and mediums lack the human element. Remote working hampers team coordination, and collaboration. Without the ability to meet in person, remote teams may have difficulty communicating effectively and collaborating on projects.
  • Lack of structure: Without a routine and set office hours, remote workers may find it difficult to maintain a consistent schedule and routine. When one works from the office, they follow a consistent schedule and discipline which helps them to finish the daily tasks on time without hindering their personal space.
  • Difficulty in getting feedback: Without the opportunity for regular face-to-face interaction with supervisors, remote workers may have difficulty getting feedback on their performance and progress. On the other hand, when you work in an office setting, you are always physically available for random reviews, discussions, and feedback sessions. This helps you to perform well and meet the end requirements of your job tasks. When you work from home, your manager may also find it difficult to communicate with you effectively unlike a face-to-face review or feedback session.
  • Technical issues: Remote workers may experience technical problems such as poor internet connectivity or difficulties with video conferencing software. This might hamper their productivity and leads to a waste of time. When working from the office, these types of issues are absolutely avoidable because of a dedicated IT infrastructure and IT team available to resolve any technical issues they face. 
  • Difficulty in building relationships with coworkers and managers: Employees working remotely usually find it difficult to build and maintain relationships with their coworkers and managers as they do not spend any time with their colleagues and managers. And as we know, workplace relationships and networks play a vital role in your professional growth and promotions, remote workers may struggle to build close professional relationships.
  • Ergonomic and safety issues: Remote workers may not have the same level of ergonomic support or safety measures as they would in an office setting. In the workplace, employers are responsible for the safety and health of their employees when they are working in the office. For this, they provide their employees with high-quality ergonomic furniture and supplies such as comfortable and adjustable chairs, good lighting, ventilation, and air conditioning. But when employees work from home, providing all these ergonomic and safety facilities is not possible for every employer. 

Final Words

As a remote working employee, you will face the above-mentioned challenges. The best solution in such cases is to discuss your problems with your managers and coworkers, so they can provide you with a solution or suggest you the best measure to avoid any further problems. You can also create a healthy schedule where you prioritize your daily tasks to achieve the best productivity.  Getting yourself a comfortable work desk and setting your workstation in a well-ventilated, well-lit area will also help you to concentrate while working from home. In case, you are facing any technical problems, coordinating with your IT team available in the office can help you to find sound solutions.

And if you are a manager who is managing hybrid teams, you need to understand that you have to change your approach as you’ll also face some challenges while managing and dealing with your remotely working team members. Understand that, a good communication strategy will always help you to effectively manage your team members. You can schedule regular reviews-feedback sessions and team meetings online by using video-conferencing platforms to keep pace with the progress of work done by your remotely working employee.

Also, take regular follow with your team members to understand what type of challenges they are facing while working from home and try optimizing your systems and operations if it is required. 

Also, take regular follow with your team members to understand what type of challenges they are facing while working from home and try optimizing your systems and operations if it is required. 




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