Introducing Google Vids in WorkSpace: Your Ultimate AI-Powered Video Creation Tool

Introducing Google Vids in Workspace: Your Ultimate AI-Powered Video Creation Tool

Hey there, fellow content creators and marketing gurus! Are you tired of drowning in a sea of emails, images, and marketing copy, struggling to turn them into eye-catching video presentations? Fear not, because Google has just unveiled its latest innovation at the Cloud Next conference in Las Vegas: Google Vids- Google’s AI Video Creation tool! Now you will be able to use Google Vids in Google Workspace just like its other tools.

Picture this: your very own video editing wizard, ready to transform your raw materials into a masterpiece with just a few clicks. That’s Google Vids – the AI-powered video creation tool that combines editing, writing, and production into one seamless experience.

Aparna Pappu, VP, and GM at Google Workspace, call it your trusty sidekick in the world of video creation. With Google Vids, bid farewell to complicated editing software and hello to effortless blending of stock footage, user images, and visuals.

What makes Google’s AI video creation tool Google Vids stand out? Its integration with Google Workspace enables real-time collaboration just like Docs and Sheets. So,No more email chains – teams can now brainstorm, tweak, and perfect their video projects together.

But wait, there’s more! Google Vids in Google Workspace isn’t just for flashy marketing campaigns. Whether it’s a product pitch, training material, or a personalized video message, Google Vids has you covered.

Here’s the scoop: input your vision, select visuals, add transitions and audio, and viola! Your masterpiece is ready. Plus, with real-time collaboration, teams can fine-tune every detail together.

Features of Google Vids

Google’s Vids app is your go-to for easy video creation. With its user-friendly interface and AI-powered ‘Help Me Create’ feature, even beginners can whip up a first draft in a snap. Plus, you can collaborate with others and share your projects right from your web browser. 

  • Generate an editable storyboard
  • Select Video Style 
  • Suggest scenes from stock videos and images
  • Choose background music
  • Add preset voiceover or use your own recorded voiceover

Gemini AI Features in Gmail 

Google is stepping up its game with some seriously cool upgrades to the Gmail smartphone app. Picture this: you’re on the move, and suddenly, you remember that important email you need to send. No problem! With the new voice prompts added to the ‘Help Me Write’ feature, you can simply dictate your message and bam! It’s sent off, hassle-free. And that’s not all – thanks to the latest Gemini AI integration, drafting emails just got a whole lot easier. With the instant polish feature, you can turn rough notes into polished emails with a single click. How’s that for convenience? Google’s got your back, making email communication smoother and cooler than ever.

New Google Sheets and Docs features

Get ready for some serious upgrades in the Google universe! Google Sheets is getting slick new tables to feature for organized data and fresh templates for specific projects like event planning. These goodies are coming to all Workspace plans soon.

And that’s not all! Google Docs is getting a tabs experience for better organization and cool full-bleed cover images. All users can expect these new features in the coming weeks. Exciting times ahead!

Excited? You should be! Google Vids is coming in June for Gemini and Workspace subscribers. And that’s not all – Google Workspace offers AI-powered messages, meetings, and security features for just $10 per user per month. With Gemini integrated into Google Chat, it’s never been easier to create stunning videos and collaborate seamlessly.

So, whether you’re a seasoned content creator or a business development person, Google Vids is your ultimate video creation sidekick. Say hello to seamless, stunning videos with Google Vids – your new best friend in video creation!




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