How to Handle CSS Prefixes?

If you want to know how to handle CSS Prefixes, reading this blog will help you understand the basics of prefixes in CSS. So, let’s start!

What Is CSS Prefix? 

CSS prefixes, also known as vendor prefixes, are a way to implement experimental or non-standard CSS properties and features that are not fully supported by all web browsers. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of CSS prefixes, discuss their usage, and provide best practices for handling them effectively in your web development projects.

Why Use CSS Prefixes?

Web browsers implement CSS features at different stages, and some features may not be fully supported or standardized across all browsers. CSS prefixes allow developers to use experimental or draft CSS properties and features before they are finalized, helping to push the boundaries of web design and development.

Usually, prefixes are used for CSS3 properties which are experimental or nonstandard CSS properties, this tells different browsers Most of the time we avoid the prefix but sometimes if you are not using prefixes, your CSS3 properties will not work properly in old browsers.   Prefixes are not used for all CSS3 properties it is needed for some example -o-border-radius do not need prefixes.

CSS Vendor Prefixes List 

This is the common CSS Vendor prefixes list, these are used to target specific browser engines:

  • -webkit- (WebKit/Blink-based browsers like Chrome and Safari):






  • -moz- (Gecko-based browsers like Firefox):






  • -ms- (Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer):






  • -o- (Opera):






The above-mentioned common CSS Vendor prefixes are added before CSS properties to add compatibility with specific browsers while experimenting with CSS features. But, you also need to understand that the need for prefixes decreases with the improvement of specific CSS properties. So, always take the help of official documentation and other compatibility resources and keep yourselves updated about the recent advancements in vendor prefixes.

How to Handle CSS Prefixes?

Handling CSS Prefixes is a crucial practice when you work with CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to ensure continuous rendering across multiple web browsers. CSS prefixes are also called vendor-specific prefixes and these are added to CSS properties with the intention to provide support to nonstandard or experimental features in some browsers. Here’s a brief description of steps to handle CSS Prefixes effectively:

  1. Research CSS Properties

Various properties in Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) are often combined together as box properties so they can manage the way in which browsers show the page using the CSS box model. Before using a specific CSS property, research its compatibility across different browsers and versions. You can start by identifying the CSS property and taking reference from the official CSS specification or documentation to gain knowledge of the syntax of the property, its usage, and any related vendor prefixes. Also, you need to pay special attention to CSS browser support. 

  1. Prioritize Non-Prefixed Properties

Check if the CSS property you intend to use is supported without prefixes in modern browsers. If supported, prefer using the non-prefixed version and add prefixes as fallbacks for older browsers. Prefixes are not intended as developer-friendly, but recent features would have been in a much better state without prefixes.

  1. Use Autoprefixer CSS

Autoprefixer CSS is a popular PostCSS plugin that automatically adds necessary CSS prefixes based on browser compatibility data. It eliminates the need for manual prefixing and ensures consistent support across different browsers. The data on is the most accurate data source on browser support on the internet, whether HTML5, CSS or Javascript.

  1. CSS Preprocessors and Tools

A CSS preprocessor is a program that allows you to create CSS from the unique syntax of preprocessor. If you’re using CSS preprocessors like Sass or Less, they often have built-in functions or mixins to handle prefixes. Leverage these features to streamline your prefixing workflow.

  1. Browser-Specific CSS Solutions To Resolve Cross-Browser Compatibility Issues in CSS

. The most convincing way to address and to resolve the mentioned before issues are to write and implement browser-specific CSS code. In some cases, certain CSS properties or values might require browser-specific declarations. Use conditional CSS statements like media queries or browser-specific hacks to target specific browsers or browser versions when necessary.

  1. Regularly Update Vendor Prefixes

Vendor prefixes CSS is a way for browsers to give access to new CSS features that are  not yet observed stable. As browser support evolves, some prefixes become obsolete or unnecessary. Regularly update your codebase by removing unnecessary prefixes or replacing them with non-prefixed versions if supported by the targeted browsers.

CSS Vendor Prefixes Online Tools 

You can leverage CSS Vendor Prefixes Online Tools to save time and extra effort which you might have to put during manual research and adding prefixes for various CSS properties. It eliminates the complexities of the development process and ensures that your CSS styles are correctly implemented across all browsers. You can use these popular Online CSS Vendor prefixes to do so:

  • Prefixr 
  • Autoprefixer 
  • Please Play
  • Can I Use – (Although, it is not particularly a prefixing tool but you can use it to get extensive browser support information that can guide you to make prefix usage decision)

Are Vendor Prefixes Still Needed?

Yes, it is still necessary to introduce certain CSS styles with -webkit and -moz prefixes for browser compatibility. This is because of different browsers may translate particular  CSS styles differently, and the prefixes help to ensure that your styles are displayed constantly across different browsers.

The importance of vendor prefixes in CSS has diminished significantly due to the evolution of browser support and standardization of CSS features. Earlier CSS Vendor prefixes were important as they were used to implement experimental or non-standard CSS properties. If you are wondering about the requirement of CSS prefixes in today’s scenario, here are the cases in which you might need CSS Vendor prefixes:

  • Improved Browser Support: Major modern browsers have made significant progress in adopting and supporting CSS features. As a result, many CSS properties that previously required prefixes are now supported without them in current browser versions. This means that for widely used CSS properties, the need for prefixes is reduced.
  • Standardized CSS Features: Earlier, CSS features were defined in the guidelines of the W3 Consortium. But now there are numerous new CSS features that are worth noticing, a few of them are as follows.
  1. CSS subgrid
  2. Flexbox gaps
  3. The content-visibility property
  4. The contain-intrinsic-size property
  5. The :is and :where pseudo-classes
  • Prefix Deprecation: When we’re speaking in a technical sense, however, deprecation is the disappointment of use for an old feature. Mostly, the traditional feature stays  functional due to backward compatibility. In core, this means that you can technically still do things the legacy way. It’ll probably still work, but maybe it is best practice to use the new way. By the time, the external stylesheets became more usable and popular,  the approach towards web development has also evolved certainly,  now HTML defines the content of a page, and CSS handles its presentation of it.
  • Autoprefixer and Tooling Support: Tools like Autoprefixer have made it easier for developers to manage vendor prefixes. These tools automatically add the necessary prefixes based on browser compatibility data, eliminating the need for manual prefixing and ensuring accurate and up-to-date prefix usage.

Top 5 CSS Tools:

  • Purge CSS
  • Post CSS
  • Animista
  • Koala
  • Sieraa Library


Prefix in CSS plays a crucial role in maintaining cross-browser compatibility and leveraging cutting-edge CSS features. By understanding their purpose, researching compatibility, using tools like Autoprefixer, and adopting best practices, you can effectively handle vendor prefixes in your web development projects. Embrace modern CSS features while ensuring a consistent and optimized user experience across different browsers. Stay up to date with evolving browser support to maintain clean and efficient code.




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