How To Make RESTful APIs in Go?

Looking for a step-by-step guide for developing RESTful APIs in Go? In this blog, we have provided you with a brief on how to build RESTful APIs using the Go language. So, let’s start with the basics first and then move on to the complex part of creating RESTful APIs in Go.

RESTful APIs- Introduction

RESTful APIs have become an integral part of modern software development, allowing software applications to communicate with each other, exchange data, and perform various tasks. In this article, we will discuss how to make RESTful APIs in the Go programming language using the standard library. We will cover the basics of RESTful architecture, how to design RESTful APIs, how to implement them in Go, and how to handle requests and responses.

What is RESTful Architecture?

REST stands for Representational State Transfer. It is a software architectural style that defines a set of constraints to be used when creating web services. RESTful architecture is based on the idea of resources, where a unique URL identifies each resource and can be accessed using the standard HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. RESTful architecture aims to provide a standardized way of accessing web resources, making web services more accessible and easier to use.

How To Design RESTful APIs?

To design RESTful APIs, we need to follow some guidelines and best practices. To help you understand better, below we have mentioned the best practices for designing RESTful APIs:

  1. Use meaningful URLs: RESTful APIs should use meaningful URLs that represent the resources being accessed. URLs should be concise and easy to read.
  2. Use standard HTTP methods: RESTful APIs should use standard HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on resources.
  3. Use HTTP response codes: RESTful APIs should use HTTP response codes to indicate the status of the request. HTTP response codes should be used to indicate success or failure and provide detailed information about errors.
  4. Use consistent data formats: RESTful APIs should use consistent data formats such as JSON or XML for data exchange. The data format should be easy to parse and manipulate.

How To Implement RESTful APIs in Go?

To implement RESTful APIs in Go, we need to use the standard library’s “net/http” package. This package provides a set of functions and types for handling HTTP requests and responses. The package includes several types, including http.Client, http.Request, http.Response, and others. Let’s explore each of these types and their functionality.

Step 1

Import net/http package: To start implementing RESTful API in Go, we need to import the net/http package.

Step 2

Define HTTP Handlers: HTTP handlers are functions that handle incoming HTTP requests. We can define HTTP handlers using the http.HandlerFunc() function or by defining a function that matches the signature of the http.HandlerFunc() type.

Step 3

Define HTTP Routes: HTTP routes map incoming requests to their corresponding handlers. We can define HTTP routes using the http.HandleFunc() function or by using a third-party package such as “”.

Step 4

Start HTTP Server: We need to start an HTTP server to listen for incoming requests. We can use the http.ListenAndServe() function to start an HTTP server.

Here is an example of a simple RESTful API in Go:

In this example, we have defined two HTTP handlers, getUsers() and createUser(). The getUsers() handler returns a list of all users in JSON format, and the createUser() handler creates a new user and adds it to the user’s list.

We have defined two HTTP routes using the router.HandleFunc() function. The first route maps the GET HTTP method to the getUsers() handler, and the second route map the POST HTTP method to the createUser() handler.

Finally, we start an HTTP server using the http.ListenAndServe() function, which listens for incoming requests on port 8080.

How To Test RESTful API in Go?

Once we have implemented our RESTful API, we can test it using tools such as cURL or Postman. Here is an example of how to test our API using cURL:

How To Create An HTTP Handler in Go?

The http.Handler type is used to handle HTTP requests in Go. It is an interface that defines a ServeHTTP() method that takes an http.ResponseWriter and an http.Request as arguments. The http.ResponseWriter is used to write the HTTP response and the http.Request contains information about the request, such as the URL, HTTP method, headers, and body. To create an HTTP handler, we need to implement the ServeHTTP() method.

Below we have mentioned an example in which we have defined a HelloHandler struct that implements the ServeHTTP() method. We then created an instance of the HelloHandler struct and register it as the default HTTP handler using the http.Handle() function. Finally, we start the HTTP server using http.ListenAndServe() function.

How To Create An HTTP Route in Go?

HTTP routes are used to map HTTP requests to specific handlers. In Go, we can use the “” package to create HTTP routes. The “” package provides a simple and easy-to-use HTTP router. The router allows us to define HTTP routes based on the URL pattern and the HTTP method.

Here is an example of how to use the “” package to create an HTTP route:

In the above example, we create a new router using the mux.NewRouter() function. We then define HTTP routes using the router.HandleFunc() function. Each route is associated with a handler function that will be called when the route is accessed. The mux.Vars() function is used to retrieve URL parameters from the request.

How To Make HTTP Requests In Go?

To make HTTP requests in Go, we need to use the http.Client type. The http.Client type provides methods for making HTTP requests and handling HTTP responses. Here is an example of how to make an HTTP GET request using the http.Client type:

In the above example, we create a new http.Client instance and use it to create an HTTP GET request using the http.NewRequest() function. We then make the request using the client.Do() method and handle the response by reading the response body using the ioutil.ReadAll() function.


In this article, we have discussed how to make RESTful APIs in the Go programming language using the standard library. We covered the basics of RESTful architecture, how to design RESTful APIs, how to implement them in Go, and how to handle requests and responses. We also explored how to use the “” package to create HTTP routes and how to use the http.Client type to make HTTP requests. By following these guidelines and best practices, we can create high-performance, scalable, and reliable RESTful APIs in Go.





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