Case Study : Working with an E-Commerce application, I was asked to implement a custom date/time picker for delivery time slot as below. Being a lazy developer, my first approach was to look for a library that would make my work a lot easier. And after few (actually many) Google searches, I decided to use […] Web applications, for example, Facebook, Twitter, or Gmail are consolidating constant abilities, which empower the application to consistently give the client as of late refreshed data. When you include the module, it provides you with two objects: a socket server object that is responsible for the server functionality and a socket client object […]
I’ve been using bootstrap for a while and now I’m moving into more advanced stuff, mainly create my custom CSS stylesheets using the mixins and I’ve been having lots of fun with it. One thing I’d like to simplify though is how to create a custom grid system. and is container is large screen max-width […]
HTML/UI/CSS In the cutting edge web, everyone needs their webpage should reaction speedy and quick. This blog isn’t identified with any web exhibitions, however it will talk one key factor of web execution which is utilizing CSS symbol text styles rather than pictures. These days utilizing symbol text styles is exceptionally well known and helpful. […]
Overview Android provides a set of libraries to help to design of a highly maintainable and robust code. They have provided with helper classes for better data caching and handling UI component states. Room The Room is a robust SQL object mapping library. It provides a layer of Abstraction over the Android’s SQLite Database. Allowing […]
Awesome Swift A curated list of awesome Swift frameworks, libraries and software. Inspired by awesome-swift UI Eureka – Elegant iOS Forms in pure Swift. XLActionController – Fully customizable and extensible action sheet controller written in Swift. FlourishUI – Framework for models, colour extensions and buttons. SwiftColors – HEX colour handling as an extension for UIColor. FontAwesome.swift – Use FontAwesome in your […]
One of the most exciting announcements by Google in I/O 17 was providing support for custom fonts. Not as an asset but fonts can now be used as a resource. An application can also use one of many Google Fonts dynamically. As fonts are now supported natively, the same font can be used by different […]
Many of you must have used MeteorJS Methods and have often mistook them for an analogue of REST API. Although Meteor Methods are similar to POST API request but they are quite different. The main difference between the two is that Meteor Methods are DDP (Distributed Data Protocol) messages and are based on RPC (Remote Procedure […]
Frisby is a REST API testing framework built on node.js and Jasmine. Install Frsiby.js Install Frisby.js with NPM locally. Execute the following command in your project folder. sudo npm install frisby Write Tests Frisby tests start with frisby.create(‘Test Title’), where Test Title is a description for this test. The tests are then followed by one […]