Our Blogs

  • HandleBars

    let’s see an example. [cc lang = “html”] <div class=”xyz”> <h1>{{title}}</h1> <div class=”body”> {{#noop}}{{body}}{{/noop}} </div> </div> [/cc] – The noop helper (short for “no operation”) will receive an options hash. This options hash contains a function (options.fn) that behaves like a normal compiled Handlebars template. >Specifically, the function will take a context and return a […]

  • Create a GraphQL Schema and Resolver for Querying

    In this blog, I will discuss about GraphQL, it’s schema creation, how to use resolvers and how to use query by passing arguments. Lets first understand what is GraphQL.  GraphQL is a query language for your API and a server-side runtime for executing queries by using a type system you define for your data. GraphQL isn’t […]

  • How to install Meteor on your System

    Meteor’s install process is relatively simple and you can run it in less than five minutes. To begin with, if you’re using Mac OS or Linux you can install Meteor by running this command in Terminal Window. curl https://install.meteor.com | sh If you are running Windows, download .exe file from below link. https://install.meteor.com/windows or, refer […]

  • Build Your First HTTP Server in NodeJS

    In this tutorial, we will be talking about how we can set up a simple NodeJS HTTP server with a beginner’s perspective. NodeJS is a fantastic candidate for creating web servers which are light weight and can handle a very good volume of requests. NodeJS is shipped with several core modules out of which we […]

  • Hapijs – Adding Routes in HapiJs

    In this blog, we will learn how to Adding routes in Hapi. Steps. – Define the path. – Define the method. – Define the handler. let’s see an example of it [cc lang=”javascript”] var Hapi = require(‘hapi’); var server = new Hapi.Server(); server.connection({ port: 3000 }); server.route({ method: ‘GET’, // define the method path: ‘/’, […]

  • Hapijs – Plugins

    hapi has dozens of plugin system. like , Authentication, Documentation, Localization/Internationalization, Logging/Metrics, Messaging, Security, Session, Templating, Utility, Validation…. – you can write your own plugin. – plugins are objects with a register function, and has a signature function (server, options, next). – register function has an attributes object. – this object provides some additional information […]

  • Naming Routes using Iron Router in Meteor

    By default, Iron Router will look for a template with the same name as the route name. In fact, it will even infer the name from the path you provide. You may be wondering why we even need to name our routes in the first place. Naming routes let us use a few Iron Router […]

  • Node.js tutorial – How to use Request Module

    In any application framework, one basic need is to be able to make REST calls over HTTP/HTTPS as they are widely used and a very handful in case of API interactions, web scraping, etc. We can use the NodeJS core modules or http https to perform these calls but that is a bit cumbersome process and […]

  • Meteor Publication and Subscription

    In 2011, when Meteor was not around, When u hit a site build on Rails, The client(i.e your browser) sends a request to your app, which lives on the server. The app finds out which data the client need, which could be of any size. Once the right data has been selected, the app then […]

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