Our Blogs

  • Integration Testing

    Testing of combined modules of an application to determine whether they are functionally working correctly. The ‘parts’ can be code modules, individual applications, client and server applications on a network, etc. Types of Integration Testing: 1. Big Bang: In this approach, all or most of the developed modules are coupled together to form a complete […]

  • Pushing and popping view controllers.

    UINavigationContoller manages views by pushing and popping them on/off the controller’ view stack. When you push an item, the current view slides off screen to the left, and the new view slides over from the right. Today , I am going to explain how to push and pop ViewController off a UINavigatinalController Stack. And also how […]

  • Making your own Views

    Preface Working with Checkbox and ListView can be the real pain. It was on 14 November 2016, when an issue in one of my GitHub repositories made it clear. Thanks to him I have a picture to show it. The problem with the checkbox can be seen in the screenshot above. Sometimes performing clicks on […]

  • Customize UITableViewCell for UITableView.

    One of the important components of UIKit framework is UITableView. A table view displays a list of items in a single column. The main purpose of writing this blog post is to develop custom cells in UITableView. Step 1: Create Xcode Project Now, create a new Xcode Project. This project will contain a single view controller, which is our […]

  • Setup an environment for working with react.

    In order to setup an environment for working with react we can use the create react package. To install create react package. npm i create-react-app -g After installing crate-react-app package, genrate simple react app by using following command. create-react-app <dir> example:-create-react-app first-react-app This might take a couple minutes. cd first-react-app Start the app:- npm start […]

  • How to use paytm in your website to add money to your wallet using javascript.

    Paytm wallets are used in almost all the websites we encounter these days. Also it is one of the best wallet used for handling digital transactions. Although Paytm has provided us with the direct API for checking balance and making payments if we have sufficient balance in our wallet. But what if we do not […]

  • Creating First App in Meteor

    I have explained how to install Meteor on your System in my previous blog. This blog will explain how to create first App in Meteor following these simple steps. Step 1. We use Meteor’s command line tool meteor: [cc lang=”javascript”]meteor create microscope[/cc] This command will download Meteor, and set up a basic, ready to use […]

  • Learn how to create forms with validations in angular 2

    Angular has provided us with modules with which we can not only write forms but also make them reactive. Let see how Angular 2/ Angular 4 helps us create forms. Modules to be imported Firstly we need two modules import {FormsModule, ReactiveFormsModule} from ‘@angular/forms’; and add them to the @NgModule’s import section. Adding FormBuilder and […]

  • Routing in Meteor

    While creating a website we need our pages to be accessible via permalink , a URL of the form http://myapp.com/posts/xyz. This means we’ll need some kind of routing to look at what’s inside the browser’s URL bar and display the right content accordingly. Iron Router is a routing package that was conceived specifically for Meteor apps. Not only does […]

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