Priority Queue in Data Structures: Characteristics, Types, and C Implementation Guide

Priority Queue in Data Structures: Characteristics, Types, and C Implementation Guide

In the realm of data structures, a priority queue stands as an advanced extension of the conventional queue. It is an abstract data type that holds a collection of items, each with an associated priority. Unlike a regular queue that dequeues elements in the order of their insertion (following the first-in, first-out principle), a priority queue dequeues elements based on their priority, removing the item with the highest priority first. This distinct feature makes priority queues indispensable in scenarios where task prioritization is crucial.

Priority queues are versatile and widely used in various fields of computer science and software development.Priority queues efficiently manage tasks, processes, and data by processing some elements before others based on their importance. For example, in the operating system, priority queues ensure that high-priority tasks execute promptly, thereby enhancing overall system performance. Network systems facilitate the timely delivery of critical data packets, ensuring that essential information reaches its destination without delay. Moreover, algorithms like Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm heavily rely on priority queues to determine the most efficient paths in graphs.

Beyond these applications, priority queues are integral in simulations, where events are processed based on their significance, and in a variety of other domains that require efficient task management. This blog will provide you with an in-depth understanding of priority queues, exploring their types, characteristics, and various implementation methods in the C programming language. Whether you’re new to the concept or seeking to deepen your knowledge, you’ll find valuable insights and real-world examples of priority queues here.

What is a Priority Queue?

A priority queue is an abstract data type that extends the functionality of a regular queue by introducing the concept of priority. In a standard queue, elements are enqueued and dequeued in a first-in, first-out (FIFO) manner. However, in a priority queue, each element is assigned a priority. The element with the highest priority is dequeued first. This means that the order of elements in a priority queue is not strictly based on the order of their insertion but rather on their priority.

For example, consider a hospital scenario where patients are waiting in line for treatment. In a regular queue, patients would be treated in the order they arrived. However, in a priority queue, patients with more severe conditions (higher priority) would be treated first, regardless of their arrival time. This analogy illustrates the fundamental difference between a regular queue and a priority queue.

In a priority queue, you can only add elements that are comparable. This means that the elements must be orderable according to their priority. This ordering can be either in ascending or descending order, depending on the specific type of priority queue.

Characteristics of Priority Queues in Data Structures

The characteristics of priority queue in data structures are distinct from a traditional queue due to its priority-based organization. This characteristic enables it to manage and process elements more efficiently, especially when prioritization is crucial. The following characteristics define a priority queue:

  1. Priority Assignment:
    Each item in a priority queue is associated with a priority value, which, in turn, determines its importance or urgency. Consequently, this priority value serves as the key factor that distinguishes elements within the queue and, as a result, influences the order in which they are processed.
  2. Priority-based Dequeuing:
    Unlike a regular queue where the order of elements is based on their insertion time, a priority queue places the highest-priority item at the front. This ensures that the most critical tasks or data are accessed and processed first, improving efficiency in scenarios where certain elements need immediate attention.
  3. FIFO Principle for Equal Priority:
    When multiple elements share the same priority value, a priority queue adheres to the first-in, first-out (FIFO) principle for those items. This means that elements with the same priority are processed in the order they were added to the queue, ensuring fairness in their treatment.

Types of Priority Queues

There are two primary types of priority queues based on how they order elements:

Ascending Order Priority Queue

An ascending order priority queue in data structure arranges elements based on their priority values in ascending order. In this type of queue, we place the element with the smallest priority value (considered the highest priority) at the front for dequeuing. When inserting new elements, we position them according to their priority, ensuring that the queue maintains the ascending order.

For example, consider a priority queue with the numbers 4, 8, 12, 45, 35, and 20. When arranged in ascending order, the queue would look like this: 4, 8, 12, 20, 35, 45. In this case, the number 4 has the highest priority and would be dequeued first.

This type of priority queue is particularly useful in scenarios where handling elements with the lowest priority is critical, ensuring that less urgent tasks or data are processed first.

Descending Order Priority Queue

A descending order priority queue orders elements by their priority values in descending order. In this type of queue, the element with the highest priority value is placed at the front for dequeuing. As new elements are added, they are positioned according to their priority, maintaining the descending order.

For instance, using the same set of numbers (4, 8, 12, 45, 35, 20), the descending order priority queue would arrange them as follows: 45, 35, 20, 12, 8, 4. Here, the number 45 has the highest priority and would be dequeued first.

This type of priority queue is ideal for situations where we need to process the most urgent or significant elements immediately, ensuring we handle them with the highest priority.

Difference between Ascending Order Priority Queue and Descending Order Priority Queue

FeatureAscending Order Priority QueueDescending Order Priority Queue

Order of Elements
Elements are arranged in ascending order of priority values.
Elements are arranged in descending order of priority values.
Highest Priority ElementThe element with the smallest priority value is dequeued first.The element with the highest priority value is dequeued first.
Example queue[4, 8, 12, 20, 35, 45] (where 4 has the highest priority)[45, 35, 20, 12, 8, 4] (where 45 has the highest priority)
InsertionNew elements are inserted in their correct position to maintain ascending order.New elements are inserted in their correct position to maintain descending order.
DeletionThe element with the smallest priority value (front of the queue) is removed first.The element with the highest priority value (front of the queue) is removed first.
Use Case Useful in scenarios where lower values are of higher priority or for systems needing to process low-priority tasks first.Ideal for situations requiring immediate handling of high-priority elements or urgent tasks.
Complexity of Insertion Inserting an element requires maintaining order, which can be time-consuming (e.g., shifting elements).Inserting an element requires maintaining order, which can be time-consuming (e.g., shifting elements).
Complexity of DeletionRemoving the smallest element is straightforward but depends on maintaining order during insertion.Removing the largest element is straightforward but depends on maintaining order during insertion.
Data Structure ExamplesIt can be implemented using sorted arrays, binary heaps, or linked lists.It can be implemented using max heaps, sorted arrays, or linked lists.
Typical Applications Used in scenarios where processing low-priority tasks before high-priority ones is needed, such as managing scheduling in certain systems.Commonly used in systems where high-priority tasks need to be handled immediately, such as real-time processing or network packet handling.

Implementation of Priority Queues in Data Structures

Priority queues can be implemented using various data structures, each with its advantages and trade-offs. The choice of implementation depends on the specific requirements of the application, such as the need for fast insertion, deletion, or access to the highest or lowest priority elements. Here are some common ways to implement priority queues:

1. Linked List

A linked list is a dynamic data structure that can be used to implement a priority queue by arranging elements according to their priorities. When an element is added, it is placed in the list based on its priority level, either in ascending or descending order.

  • Insertion: Inserting an element involves finding its appropriate position in the list based on its priority, which may require traversing the list. This operation can be time-consuming in cases where the list is long.
  • Deletion: Deleting an element typically involves removing the element with the highest or lowest priority, depending on the type of priority queue. This operation is straightforward once the element is located.
  • Access: Accessing the element with the highest or lowest priority involves traversing the list, which can be inefficient compared to other implementations.

Linked lists offer flexibility in adding, removing, and locating high or low-priority elements. However, the need to traverse the list for insertion and access operations can make them less efficient than other data structures for implementing priority queues.

2. Binary Heap

A binary heap is a tree-based data structure that efficiently implements a priority queue by satisfying the heap property. In a binary heap, we arrange the elements in a hierarchical structure, placing the highest priority element (in a max heap) or the lowest priority element (in a min-heap) at the root.

  • Max Heap: In a max heap, the parent node has a value greater than or equal to its child nodes. The root node contains the highest value, making it easy to access and remove the highest-priority element. After removing the root, the last element is moved to the root, and the heap is adjusted to maintain the heap property.
  • Min Heap: In a min heap, the parent node has a value less than or equal to its child nodes. The root node contains the smallest value, making it easy to access and remove the lowest-priority element. Similar to a max heap, the heap is adjusted after removal to maintain its structure.

Binary heaps are widely used in priority queues because they offer efficient insertion, deletion, and access operations, typically in O(log N) time. They are especially useful in applications that require frequent access to the highest or lowest priority elements, such as in scheduling and graph algorithms.

3. Arrays

Arrays provide a straightforward way to implement a priority queue by storing elements in order of their priority. Elements can be arranged in ascending or descending order, depending on the type of priority queue.

  • Insertion: Adding an element involves placing it in the array according to its priority, which may require shifting other elements to maintain the order. This operation can be inefficient in cases where the array is large.
  • Deletion: Removing an element typically targets the highest or lowest priority element, which is usually located at the start or end of the array. This operation is fast and efficient.
  • Access: Accessing elements in an array is fast, as they can be quickly located using their index. However, maintaining the order of the array during insertion and deletion can be challenging.

While arrays offer fast access to elements, their fixed size and the need for resizing as the queue grows can impact performance. They are best suited for scenarios where the priority queue size is known in advance, and the operations are limited to a small number of elements.

4. Binary Search Tree

You can use a binary search tree (BST) to implement a priority queue. In a BST, we organize elements in a hierarchical structure where each node has at most two children. The left child holds a value less than the parent node, and the right child holds a value greater than the parent node.

  • Insertion: Inserting an element into a BST involves traversing the tree to find the correct position based on its priority. This operation is typically efficient, especially if the tree is balanced.
  • Deletion: Deleting an element involves removing the node with the highest or lowest priority, which may require rebalancing the tree to maintain its structure.
  • Access: Accessing the highest or lowest priority element involves traversing the tree to the leftmost or rightmost node, depending on the type of priority queue.

BSTs offer efficient insertion, deletion, and access operations, particularly in balanced trees where the height is minimized. However, unbalanced trees can lead to inefficient operations, making them less suitable for priority queues with large or dynamic datasets.

Priority Queue Implementation in C

Now, let’s delve into implementing a priority queue in C using different methods.

1. Using a Linked List

Here’s a basic example of how to implement a priority queue using a linked list in C:

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> // Define a node structure struct Node {     int data;     int priority;     struct Node* next; }; // Function to create a new node struct Node* newNode(int d, int p) {     struct Node* temp = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));     temp->data = d;     temp->priority = p;     temp->next = NULL;     return temp; } // Function to remove the element with the highest priority int pop(struct Node** head) {     struct Node* temp = *head;     *head = (*head)->next;     int popped = temp->data;     free(temp);     return popped; } // Function to push an element based on priority void push(struct Node** head, int d, int p) {     struct Node* start = *head;     struct Node* temp = newNode(d, p);     if (*head == NULL || (*head)->priority > p) {         temp->next = *head;         *head = temp;     } else {         while (start->next != NULL && start->next->priority < p) {             start = start->next;         }         temp->next = start->next;         start->next = temp;     } } // Function to check if the queue is empty int isEmpty(struct Node** head) {     return (*head) == NULL; } // Main function to demonstrate priority queue int main() {     struct Node* pq = NULL;     push(&pq, 4, 1);     push(&pq, 5, 2);     push(&pq, 6, 3);     push(&pq, 7, 0);     while (!isEmpty(&pq)) {         printf("%d ", pop(&pq));     }     return 0; }
Code language: PHP (php)

2. Using an Array

Here’s a simple implementation of a priority queue using an array in C:

#include <stdio.h> #define SIZE 5 int arr[SIZE]; int front = -1, rear = -1; // Function to insert an element void insert(int value) {     if (rear == SIZE - 1) {         printf("Queue is full!\n");     } else {         int i;         for (i = rear; i >= 0 && arr[i] < value; i--) {             arr[i + 1] = arr[i];         }         arr[i + 1] = value;         rear++;     } } // Function to delete an element void delete() {     if (front == rear) {         printf("Queue is empty!\n");     } else {         front++;         printf("Deleted value = %d\n", arr[front]);     } } // Main function to demonstrate priority queue int main() {     insert(30);     insert(50);     insert(20);     insert(40);     delete();     delete();     return 0; }
Code language: PHP (php)

Applications of Priority Queues

Priority queues are utilized in a wide range of applications due to their efficiency in handling prioritized tasks. Here are some common applications:

  1. Operating Systems:
    Priority queues in operating systems are used to manage processes and tasks. The operating system schedules tasks based on their priority, ensuring that critical processes receive CPU time before less important ones.
  2. Networking:
    In networking, priority queues are used to manage data packets. Critical data, such as real-time voice and video, are transmitted with higher priority, ensuring minimal delay and improving the quality of service.
  3. Dijkstra’s Algorithm:
    Priority queues are an integral part of Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm, where they are used to efficiently find the shortest path in a graph by prioritizing nodes with a small tentative distance.
  4. Event-Driven Simulations:
    In event-driven simulations, priority queues are used to manage events in the order of their occurrence, ensuring that the simulation proceeds in a realistic and accurate manner.
  5. Huffman Coding:
    In data compression algorithms like Huffman coding, priority queues are used to build optimal prefix codes, ensuring efficient data encoding.


Priority queues are a powerful data structure that offers efficient management of elements based on their priority. Understanding the different types of priority queues, their characteristics, and various implementation methods in C is crucial for solving complex problems in computer science and software development. Priority queues optimize performance and ensure that critical tasks receive the urgency they require, whether we use them in operating systems, networking, or algorithms like Dijkstra’s shortest path.

By mastering priority queues, you can enhance your ability to design and implement solutions that prioritize tasks effectively, making your software more responsive and efficient in handling real-world challenges.




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