Tag: Meteor

  • Meteor Methods vs REST API

    Many of you must have used MeteorJS Methods and have often mistook them for an analogue of REST API. Although Meteor Methods are similar to POST API request but they are quite different. The main difference between the two is that Meteor Methods are DDP (Distributed Data Protocol) messages and are based on RPC (Remote Procedure […]

  • File Structure in Meteor App

    The four basic types of directories that must be defined inside any Meteor App are /client,/server, /public and /lib. These directories are special and when it comes to coding, Meteor has few rules: Code inside /server directory only runs on the server. Code inside /client directory only runs on the client. Everything else runs on […]

  • Meteor’s Autopublish Package

    If you create Meteor project from scratch(i.e using meteor create), it will automatically have the autopublish package enabled. The goal of autopublish package is to make it very easy to start coding with Meteor, and it does this by automatically mirroring all the data from the server to client, thus taking care of publications and subscriptions for you. Suppose you […]

  • Allow and Deny in Meteor for Security

    Meteor’s security system allows us to control database modification without having to define Methods every time we want to make changes. We didn’t really need to create new Methods for updating and deleting data in database. We just needed to check if the user had permission to do these actions, and this was made easy […]

  • Packages in Meteor

    Talking about packages in regard of Meteor is different from other languages. Meteor uses five basic types of packages. Meteor platform packages : The Meteor core itself is split into different Meteor packages. They are included in every Meteor App and you do not need to explicitly add these. Regular Meteor packages : These are also known […]

  • Why Meteor’s account-ui-bootstrap-3 {{loginButtons}} not displaying

    Sometimes this happens when you include both accounts-ui and accounts-ui-bootstrap-3 packages in your App. The standard package accounts-ui classes tends to overrides the CSS classes of bootstrap-3 styled “accounts-ui”. Just remove the standard package from your App by typing the following command in terminal: [cc lang=”javascript”] meteor remove accounts-ui [/cc] And you will see you {{loginButtons}} get appear […]

  • How to install Meteor on your System

    Meteor’s install process is relatively simple and you can run it in less than five minutes. To begin with, if you’re using Mac OS or Linux you can install Meteor by running this command in Terminal Window. curl https://install.meteor.com | sh If you are running Windows, download .exe file from below link. https://install.meteor.com/windows or, refer […]

  • Naming Routes using Iron Router in Meteor

    By default, Iron Router will look for a template with the same name as the route name. In fact, it will even infer the name from the path you provide. You may be wondering why we even need to name our routes in the first place. Naming routes let us use a few Iron Router […]

  • Meteor Publication and Subscription

    In 2011, when Meteor was not around, When u hit a site build on Rails, The client(i.e your browser) sends a request to your app, which lives on the server. The app finds out which data the client need, which could be of any size. Once the right data has been selected, the app then […]

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