Tag: node.js

  • How Do We Use Node.Js For Caching?

    To provide a flawless user experience, performance optimization is essential in the realm of web development. Your Node.js applications’ performance and responsiveness may be considerably improved with the help of the potent method of caching. You may decrease database queries, lower server load, and guarantee quicker load times for your users by carefully storing and […]

  • Exploring Different Rendering Methods in HTML: Browser, Server-side, and Client-side Rendering

    The rendering process is essential to how websites and applications are displayed to users in the field of web development. The rendering of HTML, the language that forms the basis of the internet, can significantly affect user experience, performance, and search engine optimization. In this blog post, we’ll examine the three main HTML rendering techniques: […]

  • Google Custom Search with NodeJS

    Goo Google provides a custom search API by which you can use the power of google search engine in your own application. The base URL for the REST version of custom search API is: https://www.googleapis.com/customsearch/v1 Before moving on to integration part, we need two things. API KEY Search Engine ID The API KEY can be […]

  • Introducing Socket.io

    Socket.io Web applications, for example, Facebook, Twitter, or Gmail are consolidating constant abilities, which empower the application to consistently give the client as of late refreshed data. When you include the Socket.io module, it provides you with two objects: a socket server object that is responsible for the server functionality and a socket client object […]

  • How to use redis with node.js

    In this tutorial you’ll learn how to work with Redis in Node.js. Redis is an open source advanced key-value cache and store. It is often referred to as a data structure server since keys can contain strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets, bitmaps and hyperloglogs. In Node.js you can use several modules to interface with Redis server, but […]


    In any application framework one basic need is to be able to make REST calls over HTTP/HTTPS, they are widely used and very useful in cases of API interactions and web scraping. We can use the Node.js core modules http or https to perform these calls but that that can be a cumbersome process and the Request module makes it simple to perform […]


    Grunt, simply defined, is a task runner built over Node.js that can be used to automate certain tasks in almost any project, in any language. Grunt and Grunt plugins are installed and managed via npm. If you’re unaware, npm is a package manager that provides a central repository for custom open source modules for Node.js […]

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