Tag: server

  • Exploring Different Rendering Methods in HTML: Browser, Server-side, and Client-side Rendering

    The rendering process is essential to how websites and applications are displayed to users in the field of web development. The rendering of HTML, the language that forms the basis of the internet, can significantly affect user experience, performance, and search engine optimization. In this blog post, we’ll examine the three main HTML rendering techniques: […]

  • Promisification in JS: Simplifying Asynchronous Code 

    Asynchronous programming is a fundamental aspect of JavaScript, allowing developers to perform time-consuming tasks without blocking the main thread. Traditionally, callbacks were used to handle asynchronous operations, but they often lead to callback hell and convoluted code structures. Promisification offers an elegant solution to this problem by converting callback-based functions into promise-based ones, making asynchronous […]

  • Bing Search API with NodeJS

    Bing provides a search API by which you can use the power of bing search in your own application. The base URL for the search API is: https://api.cognitive.microsoft.com/bing/v7.0/search The code to integrate the API using Express and Node JS is: The API Subscription Key can be created at the website: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-in/services/cognitive-services/bing-web-search-api/ If you want more […]

  • Introducing Socket.io

    Socket.io Web applications, for example, Facebook, Twitter, or Gmail are consolidating constant abilities, which empower the application to consistently give the client as of late refreshed data. When you include the Socket.io module, it provides you with two objects: a socket server object that is responsible for the server functionality and a socket client object […]

  • Meteor Methods vs REST API

    Many of you must have used MeteorJS Methods and have often mistook them for an analogue of REST API. Although Meteor Methods are similar to POST API request but they are quite different. The main difference between the two is that Meteor Methods are DDP (Distributed Data Protocol) messages and are based on RPC (Remote Procedure […]

  • Build Your First HTTP Server in NodeJS

    In this tutorial, we will be talking about how we can set up a simple NodeJS HTTP server with a beginner’s perspective. NodeJS is a fantastic candidate for creating web servers which are light weight and can handle a very good volume of requests. NodeJS is shipped with several core modules out of which we […]

  • Node.js tutorial – How to use Request Module

    In any application framework, one basic need is to be able to make REST calls over HTTP/HTTPS as they are widely used and a very handful in case of API interactions, web scraping, etc. We can use the NodeJS core modules or http https to perform these calls but that is a bit cumbersome process and […]

  • How to install hapi and how to create server in hapi.

    Installing hapi. In this section we will learn how to install hapi. Creating new server. In this section we will learn how to create a server in hapi. In this blog we will learn how to install hapi and how to create server in hapi. Installing hapi. In this section we will learn how to […]

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