Category: Making your own Views

  • Top Mobile App Design Trends In 2024

    Mobile Application Development Industry has been expanding rapidly for a decade now and will continue to thrive as mobile applications have now become a necessity for modern-day enterprises. Be it a clothing brand, food delivery or a logistics company, a mobile application is a useful asset for businesses that helps them to ease off their […]

  • Automating Desktop using RobotJS

    RobotJS package gives users ability to control mouse and keyboard of the desktop. In our demo, we will try to draw a circle in MS Paint by controlling mouse actions. Here we will be using version 0.47 of RobotJS. Development Environment: We will start by creating a simple node application in WebStorm. Installing RobotJS: Enter following […]

  • Voting App Using React Redux

    Redux provides an easy way to centralize the state of your application. There are three basic properties to know in Redux. Action, Store, Reducer. We will cover all these properties one by one. The Redux Cycle The redux cycle is composed of Action, Store and Reducers. Action is like a message that we send or […]

  • Android LIvedata with ViewModel And Room

    Hey folks, in this post we are going to implement livedata with Spinner. LiveData is an observable data holder class. Unlike a regular observable, LiveData is lifecycle-aware, meaning it respects the lifecycle of other app components, such as activities, fragments, or services. This awareness ensures LiveData only updates app component observers that are in an active lifecycle […]

  • React Native Starter kit

    create react native app is the most effortless approach to begin constructing another React Native application. It enables you to begin a task without introducing or configuring any software on local code – no Xcode or Android Studio. Expecting that you have Node introduced, you can utilize npm to install the create-react-native-app npm install -g […]

  • Notification Channels in Android O

    There is no way a user can turn off a specific type of Notifications unless a way is explicitly provided in the app. The only way around is to turn off all the app Notifications. With Android O, Developers can create different channels for different types of notifications. Users can modify following characteristics from settings: […]

  • Android implementing Volley using Kotlin

    Hey Guys, today I am going to tell you how to implement Network hits using Volley Library in Kotlin. Before getting into this tutorial, I tell you what Volley is. Android volley is a networking library was introduced to make networking calls much easier, faster without writing tons of code. By default all the volley […]

  • RecyclerView as WheelPicker

    Case Study : Working with an E-Commerce application, I was asked to implement a custom date/time picker for delivery time slot as below. Being a lazy developer, my first approach was to look for a library that would make my work a lot easier. And after few (actually many) Google searches, I decided to use […]

  • Getting Started with Room

    Overview Android provides a set of libraries to help to design of a highly maintainable and robust code. They have provided with helper classes for better data caching and handling UI component states. Room The Room is a robust SQL object mapping library. It provides a layer of Abstraction over the Android’s SQLite Database. Allowing […]

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