Category: javascript,Handling Error, Try, catch and throw

  • How to Build Real-time Applications with Node.js?

    Rеal-timе applications havе transformеd usеr еxpеriеncеs, offеring instantanеous updatеs and intеractions. Lеvеraging thе powеr of Nodе.js dеvеlopmеnt, dеvеlopеrs can build robust and scalablе rеal-timе applications that providе sеamlеss еxpеriеncеs to usеrs. In this blog, we’ll dеlvе into thе world of Nodе.js rеal-timе fеaturеs, specifically еxploring WеbSockеts with Nodе.js and sеrvеr-sidе еvеnts to crеatе livе and […]

  • How to use WebRTC: Unveiling the Power of WebRTC?

    Real-time communication has become crucial to the user experience as web development keeps progressing quickly. Video conferencing, online gaming platforms, and collaborative tools are just a few of the many applications that can be built with WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication), a powerful and adaptable technology. We will discuss WebRTC basics and demonstrate how to incorporate […]

  • How to Use Local Storage to Persist Data in a JavaScript Application?

    Data persistence is a key aspect of web applications. In JavaScript, one of the primary tools for achieving this is Local Storage, a part of the Web Storage API. This JavaScript data persistence tool provides a simple key-value storage mechanism within the user’s browser. Unlike session storage, which persists data only during a session, Local […]

  • How to Use Normal function( ) And Arrow function In Javascript?

    JavaScript’s flexibility comes from its capacity to work with data and carry out tasks via functions. Developers can choose between the more traditional normal functions and the shorter arrow functions when designing functions. We’ll examine the similarities and differences between the two strategies as well as their use cases and best practices in this blog […]

  • How JavaScript Arrow Functions Use “this” Keyword? (Advantages and Best Practices)

    With its expanding user base and changing capabilities, JavaScript continuously exposes developers to fresh paradigms and methods. The “this” keyword is one of the most important among them, determining context and action. We’ll explore the ‘this’ keyword in JavaScript arrow functions in this blog post, as well as its uses and advantages for your coding […]

  • Hoisting in JavaScript: How To Harness Its Power for Clean Code

    In the intricate landscape of JavaScript, hoisting stands as a core concept that developers must comprehend to write efficient and error-free code. Hoisting plays a crucial role in how JavaScript code is executed, and gaining mastery over it empowers developers to create more organized and maintainable codebases. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve deep […]

  • Compositions in JavaScript

    Compositions in JavaScript provide a powerful way to enhance code modularity and reusability by combining functions to create more complex operations. Learning how to leverage compositions can significantly improve your coding skills and promote cleaner, more maintainable code. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of compositions and provide examples to illustrate their […]

  • How to Create a Sticky Header with CSS and JavaScript?

    Hey there, fellow web enthusiasts! Are you ready to take your web development skills to the next level? Today, I’m going to show you how to create a super cool and oh-so-sleek sticky header using the magical powers of CSS and JavaScript. It’s like giving your website a virtual superhero cape! 🦸‍♂️ Why Sticky Headers […]

  • Promisification in JS: Simplifying Asynchronous Code 

    Asynchronous programming is a fundamental aspect of JavaScript, allowing developers to perform time-consuming tasks without blocking the main thread. Traditionally, callbacks were used to handle asynchronous operations, but they often lead to callback hell and convoluted code structures. Promisification offers an elegant solution to this problem by converting callback-based functions into promise-based ones, making asynchronous […]

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