Bing provides a search API by which you can use the power of bing search in your own application. The base URL for the search API is: The code to integrate the API using Express and Node JS is: The API Subscription Key can be created at the website: If you want more […]
Hey folks, in this post we are going to implement livedata with Spinner. LiveData is an observable data holder class. Unlike a regular observable, LiveData is lifecycle-aware, meaning it respects the lifecycle of other app components, such as activities, fragments, or services. This awareness ensures LiveData only updates app component observers that are in an active lifecycle […]
Hey Guys, it is the second decade of the second millennium and we are still kicking around the same 2D interface we got three decades ago. Sure, Apple debuted a few apps for OSX 10.7 that have a couple more 3D flourishes, and Microsoft has had that Flip 3D for a while. But c’mon, 2011 […]
As front-end designers and developers, we use CSS to style, position and create great looking sites. We often use CSS to add movement to pages in the form of transitions or even animations, but we don’t usually go much beyond that. Animation can be a powerful tool to help our visitors and customers understand and […]
create react native app is the most effortless approach to begin constructing another React Native application. It enables you to begin a task without introducing or configuring any software on local code – no Xcode or Android Studio. Expecting that you have Node introduced, you can utilize npm to install the create-react-native-app npm install -g […]
There is no way a user can turn off a specific type of Notifications unless a way is explicitly provided in the app. The only way around is to turn off all the app Notifications. With Android O, Developers can create different channels for different types of notifications. Users can modify following characteristics from settings: […]
Hey Folks, in this blog i am going to tell you about how to implement RecyclerView in PopupWindow and in case you are new to android and wondering what are these Go check out the official documentation ->> PopupWindow RecyclerView Here’s a demo what we are going to achieve after this tutorial:- Download project Lets get Started. […]
Hey Guys, today I am going to tell you how to implement Network hits using Volley Library in Kotlin. Before getting into this tutorial, I tell you what Volley is. Android volley is a networking library was introduced to make networking calls much easier, faster without writing tons of code. By default all the volley […]