Tag: Android

  • Which is the best language to develop games?

    The gaming industry is one of the most rapidly growing industries globally. According to Statista Market Forecast, it is projected to reach $365 billion in 2023 with an annual growth of 7.17% which is quite impressive number. The heroes behind the curtain who contributed to such a massive growth of the game industry are the […]

  • Custom RecyclerView with EmptyView support

    Hey folks, as you might know that RecyclerView does not support EmptyView but we can implement it using Custom RecylerView and in this post i am going to show you exactly that. EmptyView is  any view which is shown when there is no data in the list. It is a great way to improve user […]

  • Android LIvedata with ViewModel And Room

    Hey folks, in this post we are going to implement livedata with Spinner. LiveData is an observable data holder class. Unlike a regular observable, LiveData is lifecycle-aware, meaning it respects the lifecycle of other app components, such as activities, fragments, or services. This awareness ensures LiveData only updates app component observers that are in an active lifecycle […]

  • RecyclerView in PopupMenu

    Hey Folks, in this blog i am going to tell you about how to implement RecyclerView in PopupWindow and in case you are new to android and wondering what are these Go check out the official documentation ->> PopupWindow RecyclerView Here’s a demo what we are going to achieve after this tutorial:- Download project Lets get Started. […]

  • Android implementing Volley using Kotlin

    Hey Guys, today I am going to tell you how to implement Network hits using Volley Library in Kotlin. Before getting into this tutorial, I tell you what Volley is. Android volley is a networking library was introduced to make networking calls much easier, faster without writing tons of code. By default all the volley […]

  • Getting Started with Room

    Overview Android provides a set of libraries to help to design of a highly maintainable and robust code. They have provided with helper classes for better data caching and handling UI component states. Room The Room is a robust SQL object mapping library. It provides a layer of Abstraction over the Android’s SQLite Database. Allowing […]

  • Custom Fonts using Support Library

    One of the most exciting announcements by Google in I/O 17 was providing support for custom fonts. Not as an asset but fonts can now be used as a resource. An application can also use one of many Google Fonts dynamically. As fonts are now supported natively, the same font can be used by different […]

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